Category Archives: Security Practice

Posts in this category are about general topics on running a security team (either internal or external)

Writing a security report: the elements of a useful pentest deliverable

We have discussed that the security report produced at the end of the engagement is a key component in proving your worth to your current and future clients.

When crafting a pentest report not only you’ll have to think about what to include in the report (sections, contents, tables, stats) but you will also need to decide how to write it. Let’s review what it takes to create a useful pentest report.

We are not talking about the specifics or the differences in structure between the deliverable produced for different project types (e.g. VA vs. wifi vs. external infrastructure). We want to provide you with the high-level guiding principles that you can use to ensure that the final security report you produce and deliver to your clients is a useful one.

The recommendations in this piece are based on dozens of report templates that we’ve seen as part of our report customisation service for Dradis Pro as well as our experience in the industry.

The goal of the engagement

The security report produced after each engagement should have a clear goal. In turn, this goal needs to be aligned with the client’s high-level goals. In “Choosing an independent penetration testing firm” we saw how identifying the goals and requirements of an engagement is a real pain point for some clients but also an opportunity for the security firm to provide education and guidance to strengthen the partnership with their customers.

A typical goal as stated by the client could be: “our objective is to secure the information”. This can be a good starting point albeit somewhat naive in all except the most simple cases. These days systems are so complex that assessing the full environment is sometimes not realistically possible (due to time on budget constraints). A more concrete goal such as “make sure that traveller A can’t modify the itinerary or get access to traveler B’s information” would normally produce a better outcome.

However, for the sake of this post, let’s keep it simple and focus on the broader goal of “securing the information”. With that in mind, the goal of the security report needs to be to communicate the results of the test and provide the client with actionable advice they can use to achieve that goal. That’s right, we need to persuade our clients to act upon the results we provide them.

In order to help your client to meet their goals, the more you know about them and their internal structures and processes the better. Who commissioned the engagement? Why? Is there a hidden agenda? Familiarising yourself with their industry and domain-specific problems will also help to focus your efforts on the right places.

Finally, it is important to know the audience of the deliverable you are producing. This seems like an obvious statement, but there is more to it than meets the eye. Who do you think is going to be reading the report your firm has produced? Is this going to be limited to the developers building the solution (or the IT team managing the servers)? Unlikely. At the very least the development manager or the project lead for the environment will want to review the results. Depending on the size of the company, this person may not be as technical as the guys getting their hands dirty building the system. And maybe this person’s boss or their boss’ boss will be involved. If your results expose a risk that is big enough for the organisation, the report can go up the ladder, to the CSO, CTO or CEO.

One security report, multiple audiences

At the very least it is clear that we could have multiple audiences with different technical profiles taking an interest in your report. If there is a chance that your deliverable will end up making the rounds internally (and the truth is that this is always a possibility), the wrong approach to take is to either produce a completely technical document full of nitty-gritty details or, going to the other end of the spectrum, delivering a high-level overview with the summary of the highlights of the test apt for consumption by C-level execs but lacking on technical depth.

The easiest way to find the middle ground and provide a useful document for both the technically inclined and also to the business types among your readers is to clearly split the document into sections. Make these sections as independent and self-contained as possible. I like to imagine that different people in the audience will open the document and delete the section they are not interested in and they will still get their money’s worth of value on what remains.

Problems you don’t want to deal with

Before delving into what to include and how to structure it, there are two problems you don’t want to deal with during the reporting phase of the project: collation and coverage.


It is still quite common that a sizable amount of the reporting time allocated during a test is spent collating results from different team members.

As we saw in the “Why being on the same page matters?” post, there are steps you can take to minimise the amount of collation work needed such as the use of a collaboration tool during the engagement.

Reporting time shouldn’t be collation time. All information must be available to the report writer before the reporting time begins. And it must be available in a format that can be directly used in the report. If your processes currently don’t make this possible, please consider reviewing them as the benefits of having all the information promptly available to the report writer definitely outweigh the drawbacks involved in updating those processes.


How good was the coverage attained during the testing phase of the engagement? Was no stone left unturned? Do you have both evidence of the issues you uncovered and proof of the areas that were tested but were implemented securely and thus didn’t yield any findings? If not, the task of writing the final report is going to be a challenging one.

We have already discussed how using testing methodologies can improve your consistency and maximise your coverage raising the quality bar across your projects. Following a standard methodology will ensure that you’d have gathered all the evidence you need to provide a solid picture of your work in the final deliverable. Otherwise, the temptation of going down the rabbit hole, chasing a bug that may or may not be there may become too strong. We’ve all been there, and there is nothing wrong with it, as long as it doesn’t consume too much time and enough time is left to cover all the areas of the assignment. If you fail to balance your efforts across the attack surface, this will be reflected in the report (i.e. you won’t be able to discuss the areas you didn’t cover) and it will reflect badly on your and your firms’ ability to meet your client’s expectations.

Security report sections

For the rest of this post, we will assume that you have been using a collaboration tool and are following a testing methodology during the testing phase and as a result, you’ve got all the results you need and have attained full coverage of the items under the scope of the engagement.

The goal of this post is not to provide a blow-by-blow breakdown of all the possible sections and structure you need to provide, there are some comprehensive resources on the net that go beyond what we could accomplish here (see Reporting – PTES or Writing a Penetration Testing Report). We want to focus on the overall structure and the reasons behind it as well as the approach and philosophy to follow when crafting the report to ensure you are producing a useful deliverable. At a very high level, the report content must be split between:

  • Executive summary
  • Technical details
  • Appendices

Executive summary

This is the most important section of the report and it is important not to kid ourselves into thinking otherwise. The project was commissioned not because an inherent desire to produce a technically secure environment but because there was a business need driving it. Call it risk management or strategy or marketing, it doesn’t matter. The business decided that a security review was necessary and our duty is to provide the business with a valuable summary.

The exec summary is probably the section that will be read by every single person going through the report, it is important to keep that in mind and to make sure that it is worded in a language that doesn’t require a lot of technical expertise to understand. Avoid talking about specific vulnerabilities (e.g. don’t mention cross-site request forgery) and focus on the impact these vulnerabilities have on the environment or its users. The fact that they are vulnerable to X is meaningless unless you also answer the question “so what?” and explain why they should care, why it is a bad thing and why they should be looking into mitigating the issue. As Guila says in the article, why give a presentation at all if you are not attempting to change the audience’s behaviors or attitudes?. And the security report is most definitely a presentation of your results to your client.

Don’t settle for just throwing in a bunch of low-end issues to the conclusions (e.g. “HTTPs content cached” or “ICMP timestamps enabled”) just to show that you uncovered something. If the environment was relatively secure and only low-impact findings were identified, just say so, your client will appreciate it.

Frame the discussion around the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data stored, processed and transmitted by the application. Just covering the combination of these 6 concepts should give you more than enough content to create a decent summary (protip: meet the McCumber cube).

Apart from the project’s conclusions and recommendations, it is important that this section contains information about the scope of the test and that it highlights any caveats that arose during the engagement. Again this is to correctly frame the discussion and give the readers that may not be as familiar with the particular environment (e.g. CSO) the appropriate context.

In addition, it offers you protection should the client decide to challenge your results, approach or coverage attained. If a host or a given type of attack was requested by the client to be out of scope, this needs to be clearly stated. Along the same lines, if there were important issues affecting the delivery (e.g. the environment was offline for 12 hours) these have to be reflected. There is no need to go overboard on this either, if the application was offline for half an hour on the first day out of a five-day test and you don’t think this had an impact (e.g. you were able to do something else during that time or managed to attain full coverage throughout the rest of the test), there is no point in reflecting it on the report.

Technical details

This is the area that should be easier to craft from the tester’s perspective. There is not much to add here other than trying to keep your entries relevant to the current project. For instance, don’t include any MSDN references explaining how to do X in .NET when the application is written in Java. Or don’t link to the Apache site if all servers are using IIS.

I don’t want to get into the scoring system for the vulnerabilities because that could add a few thousand words to the post, just pick a system that works for you and your clients and try to be consistent. This is where having a report entry management system in place (*cough*, like VulnDB) can help maintain consistency of language and rating across projects and clients, especially for larger teams.

A final note on what to include on each finding: think about the re-test. If six months down the line, the client comes back and requests a re-test, would any of your colleagues be able to reproduce your findings using exclusively the information you have provided in the report? You may be on holiday or otherwise unavailable during the re-test. Have you provided enough information in the first place? Non-obvious things that usually trip you over are details about the user role you were logged in as when you found the issue or remembering to include the series of steps you followed from the login form to the POST request that exposed the issue. Certain issues will only be triggered if the right combination of events and steps is performed. Documenting the last step in the process doesn’t usually provide a solid enough base for a re-test.

Finally, remember that the purpose of the document is not to show how smart you are or how many SQLi techniques you used. Everything needs to be weighed and measured against the engagement goals and the business impact to the client. For instance, an unglamourous absence of account lockouts in the client’s public facing webapp is likely to have a bigger impact for their business and users than a technically brilliant hack that combined path traversal, command execution and SQLi in backend admin interface only reachable by IT administrators over a secure VPN link.


The Appendices should contain the information that while not key to understand the results of the assessment would be useful for someone trying to gain a better insight into the process followed and the results obtained.

An often overlooked property of the Appendixes section is that it provides a window to the internal processes followed by the testing team in particular and the security firm in general. Putting a bit of effort into structuring this section and providing a more transparent view of those processes would help to increase the transparency of your operations and thus the trust your clients can place on you. The more you let them see what is going on behind the curtain the more they’ll be able to trust you, your team and your judgment.

In the majority of the cases, this additional or supporting information is limited to scan results or a hodgepodge of tool output. This is fine as it will help during the mitigation and re-test phases but there are other useful pieces of information that can be included. For instance, a breakdown of the methodology used by the team is something that you don’t see that often. I’m not talking about a boilerplate methodology blob (i.e. ‘this is what we normally do on infrastructure assessments’), but a real breakdown of the different areas assessed during this particular engagement along with the evidence gathered for each task in the list to either provide assurance about its security or reveal a flaw. This will show that your firm is not only able to talk the talk during the sales and pre-engagement phases but that your team, on a project-by-project basis, are walking the walk and following all the steps in the methodology. Providing your clients with this level of assurance is going to automatically set you ahead of the pack because not a lot of firms are capable (or willing) to do so.

tl; dr;

Understanding the project goals, realising that the security report you are crafting will have multiple audiences of different technical expertise, making sure that the deliverable reflects not only the issues uncovered but also documents the coverage attained and the process involved in doing so will go a long way towards producing a useful pentest deliverable. Couple that with enough technical information to provide the project team with sufficient knowledge on the issues uncovered, the best mitigations to apply and a means to verify their reviewed implementation and you will have succeeded in your role of trusted security advisor.

Should you create your own back-office/collaboration tools?

When an organisation tries to tackle the “collaboration and automated reporting problem“, one of the early decisions to make is whether they should try to build a solution in-house or use an off-the-shelf collaboration tool.

Of course, this is not an easy decision to make and there are a lot of factors involved including:

  • Your firm’s size and resources
  • Cost (in-house != free)
  • The risks involved

But before we begin discussing these factors, it will be useful to get a quick overview what’s really involved in creating a software tool.

The challenge of building a software tool

What we are talking about here is building a solid back-office tool, something your business can rely on, not a quick Python script to parse Nmap output.

My background is in information security and electrical engineering, but I’ve written a lot of software, from small funny side projects, to successful open source tools and commercial products and services.

I’m neither a software engineering guru nor an expert in software development theory (I can point you in the right direction though), but building a software tool involves a few more steps than just “coding it”. For starters:

  • Capture requirements
  • Design the solution
  • Create a test plan
  • Develop
  • Document
  • Maintain
  • Improve
  • Support your users

The steps will vary a little depending on your choice of software development methodology, but you get the idea.

If one of the steps is missing the full thing falls apart. For instance, say someone forgets to ‘document’ a new tool. Whoever wants to use the tool and doesn’t have direct access to the developer (e.g. a new hire 8 months down the line) is stuck. Or if there is no way to track and manage feature requests and improvements, the tool will become outdated pretty quickly.

With this background on what it takes to successfully build a solid software tool, lets consider some of the factors that should play a role in deciding whether to go the in-house route or not.

Your firm’s size and resources

How many resources can your firm invest in this project? Google can put 100 top-notch developers to work on an in-house collaboration tool for a full quarter and the financial department won’t even notice.

If you are a small pentesting firm, chances are you don’t have much in terms of spare time to spend on pet projects. As the team grows, you may be able to work some gaps in the schedule and liberate a few resources though. This could work out. However, you have to consider that not only will you need to find the time to create the initial release of the tool but also you’ll need to be able to find the resources down the line to maintain, improve and support it. The alternative is to bring a small group of developers on payroll to churn back-office tools (I’ve seen some mid- and large-size security firms that successfully pulled this off). However this is a strategic decision which comes with a different set of risks (e.g. how will you keep your devs motivated? What about training/career development for them? Do you have enough back-end tools to write to justify the full salary of a developer every month?).

Along the same lines, if you’re part of the internal security team of an organisation that isn’t focussed on building software, chances are you’ll have plenty in your plate already without having to add software project management and delivery to it.

Cost (in-house != free)

There is often the misconception that because you’re building it in-house, you’re getting it for free. At the end of the day whoever is writing the tool is going to receive the same salary at the end of the month. If you get the tool built at the same time, that’s like printing your own money!

Except… it isn’t. The problem with this line of reasoning is the at the same time part. Most likely the author is being paid to perform a different job, something that’s revenue-generating and has an impact in the bottom line. If the author stops delivering this job, all that revenue never materialises.

Over the years, I’ve seen this scenario play out a few times:

Manager: How long is it going take?
Optimistic geek: X hours, Y days tops
Manager: Cool, do it!

What is missing from the picture is that it is not enough to set aside a few hours for “coding it”, you have to allocate the time for all the tasks involved in the process. And more often than not Maintaining and Improving are going to take the lion’s share of the resources required to successfully build the tool (protip: when in doubt estimating a project:

One of the tasks that really suffers when going the in-house route is Support: if something breaks in an unexpected way, who will fix it? Will this person be available when it breaks or there is a chance he’ll be on-site (or abroad) for a few weeks before the problem can be looked into?

Your firm’s revenue comes from your client work not from spending time and resources working on your back-end systems. The fact that you can find some time and resources to build the first release of a given tool, doesn’t mean that maintaining, supporting and improving your own back-end tools will make economic sense.

The risks of in-house development

There are a few risks involved in the in-house approach that should be considered. For instance, what happens when your in-house geek, the author of the tool, decides to move on and leaves the company? Can someone maintain and improve the old system or are you back to square one? All the time and resources invested up to that point can be lost if you don’t find a way to continue maintaining the tool.

Different developers have different styles and different preferences for development language, technology stack and even source code management system. Professional developers (those that work for a software vendor developing software as their main occupation) usually agree on a set of technologies and practices to be used for a given project, meaning that new people can be brought on board or leave the team seamlessly. Amateur developers (those that like building stuff but don’t do it as their main occupation) have the same preferences and biases as the pros and they are happy to go with them without giving them a second though as they don’t usually have to coordinate with others. Normally, they won’t invest enough time creating documentation or documenting the code because at the end of the day, they created it from scratch and know it inside out (of course 6 months down the line, they’ll think it sucks). Unfortunately this means that the process of handing over or taking ownership of a project created in this way will be a lot more complicated.

When building your own back-end systems you have to think: who is responsible for this tool? Another conversation I’ve seen a few times:

(the original in-house author of the tool just moved on to greener pastures)
Manager: Hey, you like coding, will you take responsibility for this?
Optimistic geek: Sure! But it’s Ruby, I’ll rewrite the entire thing from scratch in Python and we’ll be rolling in no time!
Manager: [sigh]

If you are part of a bigger organisation that can make the long-term strategic commitment to build and maintain the tool then go ahead. If you don’t have all those resources to spare and are relying on your consultants to build and maintain back-end tools, be aware of the risks involved.

Conclusion: why does the in-house approach not always work?

The in-house development cycle of doom:

  1. A requirement for a new back-office tools is identified
  2. An in-house geek is nominated for the task and knocks something together.
  3. A first version of the tool is deployed and people get on with their business.
  4. Time passes, tweaks are required, suggestions are made, but something else always has priority on the creator’s agenda.
  5. Maybe after a few months, management decides to invest a few days from the creator’s time to work on a new version.

As you can imagine, this process is unlikely to yield optimum results. If building software tools is not a core competency of your business, you may be better served by letting a software development specialist help you out. Let them take care of Maintaining, Improving and Supporting it for you while you focus on delivering value to your clients.

Of course the other side of this coin is that if you decide to use a third-party tool, whoever you end up choosing has to be worthy of your trust:

  • How long have they been in business?
  • How many clients are using their solutions?
  • How responsive is their support team?

These are just some of the highlights though, the topic is deep enough to warrant its own blog post.

tl; dr;

Going the in-house route may make sense for larger organisations with deeper pockets. They can either hire an internal development team (or outsource the work and have an internal project manager) or assign one or several in-house geeks to spend time creating and maintaing the tools. But remember: in-house != free.

Smaller teams and those starting up are usually better off with an off-the-shelf solution built by a solid vendor that is flexible and reliable. However, the solution needs to be easily extended/connected with other tools and systems to avoid any vendor lock-ins of your data.

Using testing methodologies to ensure consistent project delivery

It doesn’t matter if you are a freelancer or the Technical Director of a big team: consistency needs to be one of the pillars of your strategy. You need to follow a set of testing methodologies.

But what does consistency mean in the context of security project management? That all projects are delivered to the same high quality standard. Let me repeat that again:

Consistency means that all projects are delivered to the same high quality standard

Even though that sounds like a simple goal, there are a few parts to it:

  • All projects: this means for all of your clients, all the time. It shouldn’t matter if the project team was composed of less experienced people or if this is the 100th test you’re running this year for the same client. All projects matter and nothing will reflect worse in your brand than one of your clients spotting inconsistencies in your approach.
  • The same standard: as soon as you have more than one person in the team, they will have different levels of skill, expertise and ability for each type of engagement. Your goal is to ensure that the process of testing is repeatable enough so each person knows the steps that must be taken in each project type. There are plenty of sources that you can base your own testing methodology upon including the Open Source Testing Methodology Manual or the OWASP Testing Guide (for webapps).
  • High quality: this is not as obvious as it seems, nobody would think of creating and using a low quality methodology, but in order for a methodology to be useful you need to ensure it is reviewed and updated periodically. You should keep an eye on the security conferences calendar (also a CFP list) and a few industry mailing lists throughout the year and update your methodologies accordingly.

So how do you go about accomplishing these goals?

Building the testing methodology

Store your methodology in a file

We’ve seen this time and again. At some point someone decides that it is time to create or update all the testing methodologies in the organization and time is allocated to create a bunch of Word documents containing the methodologies.


  • Easy to get the work done
  • Easy to assign the task of building the methodology
  • Backups are managed by your file sharing solution


  • Difficult to maintain methodologies up to date.
  • Difficult to connect to other tools
  • Where is the latest version of the document?
  • How do you know when a new version is available?
  • How does a new member of the team learn about the location of all the methodologies?
  • How do you prevent different testers/teams from using different versions of the document?
Use a wiki

Next alternative is to store you methodology in a wiki.


  • Easy to get started
  • Easy to update content
  • Easy to find the latest version of the methodology
  • Easier to connect to other tools


  • Wikis have a tendency to grow uncontrollably and become messy.
  • You need to agree on a template for your methodologies, otherwise all of them will have a slightly different structure.
  • It is somewhat difficult to know everything that’s in the wiki. Keeping it in good shape requires constant care. For instance, adding content requires adding references to the content in index pages (some times to multiple index pages) and categorizing each page so they are easy to find.
  • There is a small overhead for managing the server / wiki software (updates, backups, maintenance, etc.).
Use a tool to manage your testing methodologies

Using a testing methodology management tool like VulnDB or something you create yourself (warning creating your own tools will not always save you time/money).


  • Unlike wikis, these are purpose-built tools with the goal of managing testing methodologies in mind: information is well structured.
  • Easy to update content
  • Easy to find the latest version of the methodology
  • Easiest to connect to other tools
  • There is little overhead involved (if using a 3rd party)


  • You don’t have absolute control over them (if using a 3rd party).
  • With any custom / purpose-built system, there is always a learning curve.
  • There is strategic risk involved (if using a 3rd party). Can we trust these guys? Will they be in business tomorrow?

Using the testing methodology

Once you have decided the best way in which to store and manage your testing methodologies the next question to address is: how do you make the process of using your testing methodologies painless enough so you know they will be used every time?

Intellectually we understand that all the steps in our methodology should be performed every time. However, unless there is a convenient way for us to do so, we may end up skipping steps or just ignoring the methodology all together and trusting our good old experience / intuition and just get on with the job at hand. Along the same lines, in bigger teams, it is not enough to say please guys, make sure everyone is using the methodologies. Chances are you won’t have the time to verify everyone is using them so you just have to trust they will.

Freelancers and technical directors alike should focus their attention in removing barriers of adoption. Make the methodologies so easy to use that you’d be wasting time by not using them.

The format in which your methodologies are stored will play a key part in the adoption process. If your methodologies are in Word documents or text files, you need to keep the methodology open while doing your testing and somehow track your progress. This could be easy if your methodologies are structured in a way that lets you start from the top and follow through. However, pentesting is usually not so linear (I like this convergent intelligence vs divergent intelligence post on the subject). As you go along you will notice things and tick off items located in different sections of the methodology.

Even if you store your methodologies in a wiki, the same problem remains. A solution to the progress tracking problem (provided all your wiki-stored methodologies are using a consistent structure) would be to create a tool that extracts the information from the wiki and presents it to the testers in a way they can use (e.g. navigate through the sections, tick-off items as progress is made, etc.). Of course, this involves the overhead of creating (and maintaining) the tool. And then again, it depends on how testers are taking their project notes. If they are using something like Notepad or OneNote, they will have to use at least two different windows: one for the notes and one for following the methodology which isn’t ideal.

In an ideal world you want your methodologies to integrate with the tool you are using for taking project notes. However, as mentioned above, if you are taking your notes using off the shelf note taking applications or text editors you are going to have a hard time integrating. If you are using a collaboration tool like Dradis Pro or some other purpose-built system, then things will be a lot easier. Chances are these tools can be extended to connect to other external tools.

Now you are into something.

If you (or your testers) can take notes and follow a testing methodology without having to go back and forth between different tools, it is very likely you will actually follow the testing methodology.